Saturday, May 30, 2009

Simply Juvenile

As I was commenting a blog, I came across a very strange CAPCHA. Want to know what it was?


Okay I'll tell you. :3


Lol, yes. I am juvenile. xD

Blogs and Spelling Errors

What the flack?

A few seconds after I posted my last post, I went on and decided to explore for a while.

So, instead of search for a blog that related to one of my interests, I just clicked the "Next Blog" or whatever button.

My question is:

Why the heck are all the blogs that pop up are written in foreign-ese?!
Does randomize this button thingie?

And I keep coming across the same little blogs. Ohh, game wallpapers! O-M-G! Pictures of someplace I've never heard of! :o Mind-blowing. I especially hate the blogs without the little toolbar thingie on top that say "Dashboard" and such.


I don't mind the foreign blogs. Not everyone speaks English. I understand.
But if I wanted to read someone else's blog, why can't it be in a language I can understand?

And why the flack is my spell check underlining 'else's?' That's a word, isn't it?

Ehh, this is actually a pretty bitch-y post but what the EVAR. I don't care. -_-;

First Day of Summer Vacation 2009

I create this blog on Saturday, May 30, 2009, the official first day of summer vacation! Woot!

Well, it's the first day of summer vacation for me, at least. School let out yesterday, my crappy-ass school that I will never go to AGAIN! Woo!

Maybe one day I will recount the tales of HSA.

So anyway, here it is, the first day of MY summer vacation, and guess what I'm doing? NOTHING.

Yeah, it sucks major balls. I despise being a sheltered little Asian girl. Especially with suffocating Asian parents. HateHateHateHate.

And really, I have no life. I can't even drive yet (I have a phobia, but more on that later).

Screw this, I'm just making myself more depressed. Maybe I'll post something later.

A Picture of I

I just thought that all of you should have an image of me in your head when you read my posts. Can't properly invade the privacy of a teen aged girl without knowing what she looks like after all.

Ah, I am at the far right, in the yellow shirt. Told'ya I was Asian(;


So, I am the lySPAM.
[(c)kellakakes] (:

Nice to meet you all(:

Erghhh, I made this Blogger, because, well, I damn well could. (:
Fack, I hate capitalizing the pronoun 'I.' Such a pain, but I'm a Grammar Nazi, even to myself. :P

Actually, the real reason why I decided to set up this 'Pillowbook' is because I came across one on, and I found it to be quite hilarious.
Bleh, my life is a bit dull, though, and I'm not one for details. In comparison, my Pillowbook probably won't impress any of you out there.

But I digress. HEY! I actually spelled that right! (Pats myself on the back for a job well done.)

Well, this was supposed to be my introduction, but so far all you know about me is that I often troll about the interweb and is basically a total dork. Bah, I really suck at talking about myself. (I should have thought of this when I created this blog thingie. =_=;)

I'll just post the 'About Me' I have on one of the other web sites I'm on. :P

Never Take Life Seriously. Nobody Gets Out Alive Anyway.

'Tis LyPham aka Ly SPAM(:
Ly Pham, thats Lee Fam. if you say it backwards, like, 'Pham, Ly', then it sounds like FAMILY!
...yes, i do say this everytime someone asks.
15 years YOUNG
Yeah, I'm asian.
So I have brown eyes and black hair.
I wear contacts though, so ...... Yeah! ;3
If you're funny or fun, talk to me. :D
Girls and guys.
Oh, and FYI, I'm straight. :P
I love the smileys. :DD I will use lots.
Generally, I'm a very happy person, lol.
Yeah that's another thing, I laugh a lot. :DD
So...yeah. I guess that's it for now. :D

P.S. I'm usually the smart one ;D OMGWTFBBQ!<3

I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cos I would
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cos you say I should

YupYup. ;D I think I was hopped up on something the day I wrote that. Oh wells.


Now what shall I put in the "Labels for this post" portion of this lovely little form? Ah yes I know, 'nigguhroach.' That shall do(: