Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blogs and Spelling Errors

What the flack?

A few seconds after I posted my last post, I went on and decided to explore for a while.

So, instead of search for a blog that related to one of my interests, I just clicked the "Next Blog" or whatever button.

My question is:

Why the heck are all the blogs that pop up are written in foreign-ese?!
Does randomize this button thingie?

And I keep coming across the same little blogs. Ohh, game wallpapers! O-M-G! Pictures of someplace I've never heard of! :o Mind-blowing. I especially hate the blogs without the little toolbar thingie on top that say "Dashboard" and such.


I don't mind the foreign blogs. Not everyone speaks English. I understand.
But if I wanted to read someone else's blog, why can't it be in a language I can understand?

And why the flack is my spell check underlining 'else's?' That's a word, isn't it?

Ehh, this is actually a pretty bitch-y post but what the EVAR. I don't care. -_-;

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