Saturday, May 30, 2009

First Day of Summer Vacation 2009

I create this blog on Saturday, May 30, 2009, the official first day of summer vacation! Woot!

Well, it's the first day of summer vacation for me, at least. School let out yesterday, my crappy-ass school that I will never go to AGAIN! Woo!

Maybe one day I will recount the tales of HSA.

So anyway, here it is, the first day of MY summer vacation, and guess what I'm doing? NOTHING.

Yeah, it sucks major balls. I despise being a sheltered little Asian girl. Especially with suffocating Asian parents. HateHateHateHate.

And really, I have no life. I can't even drive yet (I have a phobia, but more on that later).

Screw this, I'm just making myself more depressed. Maybe I'll post something later.

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