Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chuck's here. Hide the silverware.
Why is my phone sending notifications for NOTHING?
Why do people suddenly think that if you make a movie in 3D, suddenly that would make the original crap even better? Step Up 3D? Seriously?!

Monday, August 2, 2010

What does the G in '4G' mean and why would I want four?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Outlet Mall

So we went to the outlet mall today, my mother, my aunt, my sister, and I.

I bought three pairs of skinny jeans, a couple of shirts, a pair of sunglasses, and some new converses. Yay.

It rained right when we got there, so there were several agonizing minutes of scurrying around. but it cleared up and became quite sunny.

Halfway across the mall, my sister and I got fed up with with the adults and went off on our own. We went to Papaya and then to Starbucks. When we all got together again, my mom got really curious about where we got the money to pay for my skinny jeans and our fraps.

Duyen made up some story about 'finding' a $20 bill on the ground, and using it. My mother believed us. Hah.

Some freak with a suckish accent went up to Duyen to offer her some 'product' for her face. Lol. Jerkface. She'll definitely blog about it later.

We had sushi(:

Bob Saget

It seems like if I put anything on here Duyen will read it and make fun of me. =_=;

I shouldn't have let her follow me. My privacy is INVADED!

If you want to know, I'm the cat.

She is a terrorist.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I fucking hate vietnamese. The language, not the people.

Okay, sometimes the people too.

I'm fucking white-washed. I get this. Why is it necessary to change that?

If you haven't figured it out yet, I have to take vietnamese language classes. Sucks.

Not only are the teachers complete FOBs and don't speak a lick of English, they fucking expect us to wear a fucking uniform! Please excuse the language.

For two hours I have to listen to some fat, old lady babble in a language I don't know because THEY think that a constant forcefeed of crap is going to help us learn.

Wow, long sentence.

Vietnamese is n't even cool to write!

I might have misspelled/made grammatical errors but I'm typing from my phone at the class thingie, so what the fuck ever.
